Wow, where has the time gone! Lots to share. First, someone told me to go fly a kite, so I found this very cool one shaped like an eagle, and Stevie and I flew it when she was visiting.
That kite is up so high you can't even see it! |
Then more food preserving classes, which are still just fabulous fun. Who knew?
My classroom cabbage failed. This batch is happily fermenting away at home. |
We're preserving things I wouldn't even eat (grapefruit here) - all in the name of knowledge. |
Then off to Tara's for some beer soap, and a look at her new babies....
Stevie spent one night with us last week, and we went to the Bend Spring Festival.
But first she had to be sure to lick the bowl on some cupcakes! |
A protegee in the making? |
Some pipers piping. |
I couldn't get all of them in the picture - they were on stilts.
A beautiful walk at Shevlin Park - this is the kids' fishing pond. |
Tumalo Creek |
And finally, this afternoon was spent helping out at the Master Gardeners' Spring Seminar.
I managed to actually win a silent auction item (my very own composting worm bin, complete with worms), and of course bought a few more plants. It's an addiction. ;-)
Oh, and I was also elected the first woman member of our HOA board.