Today was the first "run" day in my half-marathon training program (and by "my" I mean the one I downloaded from the internet). It's been many weeks since I logged any kind of distance (and by that I mean more than 2 miles at a time), and today called for a timed run of 35 minutes at moderate pace.
Knowing I was going to be doing this, I had to forego my usual Cardio Combo class, which means I got to sleep in (bonus!), but I was having a hard time getting off the couch from my post-breakfast nap time (I learned about these from my stepson - awesome). I did a little grocery shopping, stopped by Dutch Brothers,
Nigel tried to jump from the car into to Dutch Bros kiosk, because the barista had the nerve to make my Americano before getting him a treat.
and generally put the running off until I just did it. On the way out from the house, the neighbor's llamas were out and about, and curious.
I stopped long enough to snap a picture (despite having many pics of these particular llamas), and realized I had just added time to my pace. Now I'm thinking like a runner, ha! I made it to the 35 minute mark (which happened just before I reached my 5K marker on the trail), and was happy to do it.
Day one done! Tomorrow is a cross-training/strength training day, so I'll head over to the Redmond Parks and Rec center for my Power Cut Plus class. That class is a great workout, but I've gained five pounds since I started going four weeks ago. My clothes still fit comfortably so I tell myself I'm just adding muscle.
I've never run a half-marathon before, and I've been reading up on it like the type-A anal-retentive I am. For example, the consensus seems to be that I'll need to alternate water and a sports drink every fifteen minutes, and fuel with some blend of carbs and sodium every half hour. This, in turn, sent me into Bend's Footzone, to check out the supply of nasty gels and chews.
I decided to try out these
in the pink lemonade flavor, and also the fruit smoothie (punch) flavor. Yummy, but geez Louise, they have 10 calories EACH. NOW I'm not thinking like a runner, but as someone who recently lost 50 pounds! Supposedly I'l need to eat about TEN of these an hour. And since I run like a tortoise, that would be about twenty for a half marathon!
Funny side note: the boxes of this brand had Lance Armstrong on the outside. I mentioned to Craig, the nice guy helping me out, that this probably wouldn't boost sales. Craig agreed, informing me the new boxes had someone else on the outside. I told Craig I was running in my first half marathon, and nice guy that he is, he gave me some advice on the training plan I downloaded. Such nice people at the Footzone, I think I'll get my next pair of shoes from them.
So now it's just a matter of getting physically prepared, and preparing mentally for my longest distance to date. You can check out my course and race information
here. And if I survive, I'll be sure to write about the experience!