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Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Favorite Brewery in Bend... all of them.  And I also love Bend Brewfest, which includes brewers from all over the Northwest.

You buy your tokens...

you get a plastic tasting mug...

...and you hit the beer tents!

Check it out, sisters!

 I snacked on Spork's delicious roasted pepitas and jalapeno chips. Yum!

These three crazies apparently had enough
beer that they thought a dip in the freezing Deschutes
might be refreshing.  They were literally
the blue man group.

The flowers at the Old Mill were lovely, as they are every summer.

The only beef I had was I had to go by myself, but I discovered some tasty brews!  Now if only I'm able to find my faves in the stores.

I was able to find my stepson's favorite, right at the local Fred Meyer!  They didn't have it a year ago, but that day, there it was:

I don't normally like porters, but this was magnificent.  Don't worry, Dan, I saved one bomber for you!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Oregon Summer 2013

So much to catch up on...

Jamie and her husband Adam visited recently, together with Megan and Emil, and we all trooped over to Silver Falls, which was quite magnificent (thanks to Andi and Bill for exploring this area earlier).

That's Adam on the left.

Adam, Jamie and Teddi.

This crazy woman was in full makeup, a dress and heels
for the 5 mile hike around the falls.   On a hilly, dirt trail.

Then we looked at wedding dresses for Meg (don't worry, Meg, you didn't even try this one on).

Erica was able to come for a visit so we did some floating on the Deschutes,

and rode the ski lift up to Mt. Bachelor.

After Jamie and Adam went back east, the rest of us went to Munch and Music in Bend for a lovely evening of music and craft booths.

What a terrific time, having our grandkids visit!  I hope to get the rest of the grandkids (and maybe even the greats) up here soon.  <3 them all.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Poem

Tasty, chubby albacore, swimming in the sea

Amber Novelli caught you and delivered you to me.

I watched a YouTube and filleted you under a Juniper tree,

This one

And now you're in the canner headed for my pan-try.

Thanks, Amber.
P.S.  You need to talk to Kyle and Scott about changing the company name to Novelli Wife, Daughter-in-Law and Granddaughter.  I loved having an all-girl session, and hope to see you all again soon!