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Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Lesson in Humility

I'm not always abnormally self-confident, but ever since I stopped playing with my nephew Adam (who routinely trounced me from a very young age), I've considered myself a good monopoly player, especially when playing with kids, haha!

Until I played with Stevie, my ten-year old grandkid.

After a few turns around the board, here's my money pile:

Notice the mortgaged properties.

and here's Stevie's:

I figured I could count on passing "Go" and replenish my cash fund that way, but alas, it was not to be because I landed here four times in a row:

It seemed whenever I did manage to amass enough money to pay rent, I landed on Stevie's big winner:

She did a great job also of being the bank, making change and handling titles like a pro.

Thank goodness bedtime came, or I would have been completely bankrupt!  As it was, I could graciously concede the game and praise Stevie's strategizing!

What you're favorite board game?
I think grandkids are the best - how about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

scattegories or scrabble or really any word related games... :)