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Friday, February 15, 2013

My Long Run

It was BEAUTIFUL outside today, so after dropping Nigel at the groomer, I returned home and hit the running trail in my subdivision for my weekly long run (which is still quite short, but I'm getting there). The trail (and road) are shaped like a figure eight, with a large, hilly loop at the top in my neighborhood, and shorter, flatter loop at the bottom.

Starting out from the top of my driveway, it's pretty flat for the first half mile or so.

 A few undulations and then the first hill.  Coach Jenny Hatfield says one way to think of hills is as your best friends, for the teaching moments they offer - and speed work.

So here's my first bestie when I go east out of the driveway:

Then I run my first trip through the center of the figure eight, which has besties two and three.

Yep, those are my tracks.

Turning north from the center of the figure eight, I have a lovely downhill stretch, where I feel like I'm flying.  Then, alas, I have to come back uphill in order to get back to the house - go figure.

Here's a gradual bestie, and there's another right behind it.

Hi, Henry & Sherry!
Then back through this middle stretch again,

before turning west for the gradual ascent back to my street.

Near the five mile mark, I can see this last little uphill in the distance,

Look closely - it's there by that last hillock on the right (where you might see a llama or two)
and I know my house is just past that last crest.  Joyfully, I arrive back at my driveway, yay!

I still felt like I had some gas at the end of the run, which made me feel good, because  in a short six weeks, my long run will be twice this distance!

And here's a gratuitous shot of Nigel, after his grooming and Dutch Bros. treat, wondering why in the world I keep pulling over and taking pictures (I'm not gonna slow down on my actual run to take pictures!):

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