Four blueberry bushes and a big variety of seed (because I had no problem restraining myself when ordering back in colder January....).
(In my own defense, most of the flowers are for the front planters of the subdivision. Honest.)
I had earlier made about 500 newspaper pots, and loaded up on seed starter so off to the garage worktable with my seed and supplies.
After two days, I had run out of pots (I know - incredible. I must have miscounted.), and had started everything that needs an early start. Since the chicks were now pullets living in the coop, I had the toasty mechanical room for these newest infants.
I did have to put some in the not-so-toasty-but-warmer-than-outside garage after I ran out of room in the mechanical room,
and I am optimistic about germination. Next week I'll start the quicker growing varieties (lettuce, etc.) that don't need to be sown directly, and before the end of May I hope to have my raised beds finished and these babies outside as well.
That said - froze again last night. Looks like I'll be buying more Walls o' Water and row cover before it's over!
P.s. Here's what the First Year in Oregon Party spread looked like, for those who may be curious.
We all had a great time, and the fact we have such terrific friends and neighbors simply confirms my long-held belief that we are the luckiest people in the world.
Happy planting.