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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Girls' Night Out

The coop and run completed, I snapped a few pictures of it in its pristine condition, prior to the sh*t storm that is sure to follow....
A beautifully clean run.
The spacious coop interior with southerly views.

And quaint nesting boxes, complete with privacy curtains (I have a dress in that fabric somewhere).

Then to add the pullets!  It took them a while to figure out they were no longer in a 2X5 box.

But Millicent got the idea.  I named her Millicent because it means "brave."  Except for the two Megan already named, I'm going to name them all names that mean "brave" or "courageous" because it amuses me to have chickens so named.

Nigel, of course, could not care less about names.  He's thinking "Winna, winna, chicken dinna."

And Fiona here is thinking it's too cold to go out!

Great fun!  While the portions of the coop that people can see from the road have to match the house, I'm thinking of painting the south side in a Lily Pulitzer-type pattern, with rose and red.  We'll see....


Chrisbriding said...

So cool!!! Let me know when you're going to paint, maybe I can come and help!!

CaroE said...

Sister, I would love to see you. I miss you a ton. You're coming up this summer, I hope.

Chrisbriding said...

Bernadette, Dara, Terrwyn, Andie, Fernanda, Gertrude, Hailey, Korina, Madison, Marcel, Marcella, Marcia, Martina, Sigourney, Tracy, Valerie,